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Hello Newport Fitness!  We are switching membership check-in systems which includes a new app as well. We feel this new system provides a more robust check-in system, better WOD viewing and results tracking and new, fun communication chats with your fellow members!



Our Launch Date is September 1st, so please be sure to have the following steps completed by then. Please continue to register for class and view the WODS on the Newport Fitness app through August 31st. 


1. Download the StreamFit MEMBER app: The links are provided below.









2. Open the app and register using your email (please use the same email you used in our old system or it won't sync properly).


3. Create your 4-digit PIN.​


4. VERIFY or UPDATE your membership/account Information:  You can view your profile by touching the “more” icon in the bottom right of your main navigation. Here you will find lots of helpful information about your account:


  • Click on "Account" 

  • Click on Active Memberships to verify we have the correct membership set-up and to also view your expiration date for any contracts. 


NOTE: If you have a 10-Class Pass, Personal Training or are on a Free-Week Trial, we will not be transitioning your passes over until August 31st after the last class of the day to ensure we transfer the correct # passes or days left on you trial. 


  • Children:  We have done our best to transfer the children's information over if you currently use or have used in the past our childcare or FitKids services. If your child's information is missing or you would like to add a child who plans on using any of these services, please add their information here. 

  • Household will have anyone listed that you are paying for. If we are missing someone that you would like to pay for, please add them. 

  • Payments  made in the system will appear here and give you the option to export if needed for work reimbursement purposes. 


5. UPDATE YOUR PAYMENT METHOD -IMPORTANT: Starting on September 1st, we will be adding a 2.9% Credit Card fee to all membership payments if you are using a Credit OR Debit Card. To avoid this new fee, PLEASE ADD A CHECKING ACCOUNT BY FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS BELOW.


  • You can view your profile by touching the “more” icon in the bottom right of your main navigation.

  • Click on Payment Methods under the Access Section. 

  • Hit the "+" button 


  • Select Checking or Savings

  • Enter as follows in the space:    routing #/account#

    • NOTE: DO NOT INCLUDE the <> symbols when entering bank account info or it will not save correctly. ​

  • Hit Save. 


NOTE: If you wish to continue to use a card, your credit card information from our old system will be transferred over by September 1st. However, if you prefer a different card than on file, please use this section to update the card. 



6. Verify/Update your Profile: can view your profile by touching the “more” icon in the bottom right of your main navigation and touching the top section with your name and email. This information is NOT required but would be appreciated so we can better serve you :) 


  • Add an image

  • Birthdate (it most likely has the wrong one in there). Please enter/change in the space beneath your name. 

  • Gender 

  • Instagram handle 

  • Emergency Contact 



NOTE: Some of your information has already been entered for you, but please double check and change/modify anything and Hit Save. 


Now Let's Get to know the StreamFit App!


CLASS SCHEDULE (landing screen) You can see what time classes are scheduled, who is coaching the class and how many people have already registered. Choose the class you want to attend.












To Register for Class, Click on the Blue Register Button in the top right. If you are registering for childcare or Kids Class, it will give you the option to register your child. 












Top Right: The class details screen is where you will find all your workout information for that class. Use the actions button to enter results, compare history or show a full view of that section.


Top Middle: RESULTS ENTRY SCREEN You can make results private so your scores do not show up on the leaderboard for anyone but you, leave notes about the workout and choose whether it was Rx or Scaled.




  • Go to MORE (at the bottom right) 

  • Click on Results (under the Personal section)

  • To enter your max lifts (PRs), Click on Movements

    • Search and choose the lift ​

    • Click Add Result, Enter your pounds, date of the PR  (optional) and any notes you want to include. 

    • NOTE: Any time we reference your max lift, the app will recognize this and pull in the associated percentages for you! 

  • To enter baseline workout results, Click on Benchmarks

    • Search and choose the benchmark (NOTE: We have added in the Fitcamp benchmarks).​

    • Click Add Score, enter the date (optional), Rx or Scaled, the workout score and any notes you want to include. The app will track your benchmarks and compare your history on these WODS. 




Top Right (Click the Clipboard): The attendance screen will allow you to see who is registered in the class as an athlete, who is on the waitlist and who is coaching the class. 


Bottom Left: If you own a Polar Variety strap you can record you workout and upload it to this screen. You can turn on Polar integration in your account screen. Bottom Middle: The leaderboard will show all sections of the workout and is organized from top to bottom. You can toggle Rx/Scaled to see those groupings. You can also leave a “like” by touching the shaka icon or touch any athlete to leave your own comment. If you touch your own image, you can quickly edit your score if needed.


Bottom Right (Click the Calculator): The calculator has three different sections. % weight allows you to see multiple percent weights at once. Barbell will let you quickly add up your barbell weight. Time will allow you to record start/end times for multiple rounds, giving you total, average, fastest and slowest times.

MAIN NAVIGATION (see images below)








































DASHBOARD (Left Pic): The dashboard is a great place to check unread messages, classes you are registered for or competitions you are going to.


STORE (middle pic)The store is where you can purchase retail items within the gym such as Kill Cliff, bottled water, protein cookies, etc, (you may also continue to write your name on the tally sheets and we will charge your account if you prefer).  NOTE: Any retail product payments will be held and not processed until your monthly membership processes (if on a membership). This will allow us to keep our credit card per transaction fees lower. 


NEW! The store also allows you to purchase products AT A DISCOUNT with companies who have partnered with StreamFit. YOU receive a discount and the gym will also receive 10% of the profits. The products ship directly to your home. There are LOTS of products such as supplements, protein powder, gym bags, gymnastic grips, jump ropes, goody bags, etc, etc. Be sure to check it out! 


NEW CHAT! (Right Pic): The chat is broken up into groups. Once you join a group, you can message, reply, post images, gifs, prs, workouts, benchmarks and so much more!
























Top Left: You can access the side navigation by touching the more icon in your main bottom navigation.


Top Center: The message center brings all your emails, text messages and app push notifications into a single area to review, interact and delete as needed.


Top Right: Results is broken into Prs, Benchmarks and Workouts. Prs are movements, Benchmarks are named workouts and Workouts is simply your workout history over all.


Bottom Left: Access payment methods to add or change your default payment instrument.


Bottom Center: Memberships allows you to see your currently active memberships, as well as, purchase new ones. You can get more detailed membership info from the Accounts area.


Bottom Right: The gym finder is super helpful when traveling and looking for local StreamFit gyms. You can easily switch between gyms and register for classes. If your gym has opted into the StreamFit Network, you can travel to any other StreamFit Network gym and get one free drop in!

© 2019 by Newport Fitness. Proudly created with

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