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Angela Harney | April 2024

Congrats Angela Harney, our April FitCamp Member of the Month!

How long have you been doing FitCamp? 6 months

What made you decide to try FitCamp? I needed to improve my health and had not been successful with other independent gym classes.

What did you think after your first workout? Wow, that was intense, and I love it!

What's your FAVORITE movement? Dumbbell snatch

What's your LEAST favorite movement? Wall balls

Any advice for those just getting started on their fitness journey? Consistency is key. Modify the workouts as needed, and sooner than you think, you'll be able to do things you couldn't previously do. I started lifting 12 lb dumbbells and now use 20 and 25 lbs.

Would you like to give any shout outs to other members or coaches?

Coach Adam, Jenna and Taylor have been such a huge part of my success over the last 6 months, by providing such a fun atmosphere, providing me with encouragement to keep going and helping to correct my form. They have each quite literally contributed to improving my life and I can't thank them enough! Thanks to Diane in the 9:30 high intensity class for always being so friendly and helpful in class! Before I started classes at Newport Fitness (Fitcamp and High Intensity), I had chronic pain all over my body that I had been dealing with for years. Within my first month of classes, I quickly noticed the pain reducing and now some of it is completely gone and all of it has drastically been reduced. I feel like I have my life back! It's been so rewarding to get stronger and start doing things that I couldn't do before without significant pain. Most recently, I completed 2 1/2 miles of hiking while carrying my 28 lb toddler on my back the entire time, without pain. I'm beyond thankful for Newport Fitness and everyone that helps make it a great place to be!

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